Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Very quickly I saw that cutting it off made the spaces very unstable. Cutting the wires took them out of the tension created by the box so  I had to go back to make the object stable.

Being out the box the object reads completely differently. Some parts aren't as successful as they were inside the box, but overall it has a really interesting relationship with the ground.

Gravity wants to pull the object down as the wires seem to barely hold it together, but that tension, between it falling apart/ breaking and it somehow holding itself together, makes this experiment successful.

Although I liked the outcome of the process I decided to proceed with the object inside the box. The fact that most of the original qualities of the object were lost when cut puts less importance on the box and the wire process.

The next step is to explore these spaces in drawing, with the following goals in mind:

  • Finding a "ground" line within the box.
  • Start thinking about manipulating the box itself so its not simply a shell and rather interacts with whats going on inside.
  • Taking out some of the "excess" wires that crowd spaces.
    • Think about cutting certain wires so they switch to being in compression( column-like) rather than all in tension.



The Process____

This is the process of taking the object out of the box(vertical)


_____Inside or outside of the box??

I face the dilemma of leaving the created structure inside the context of the box or taking it out and seeing how it interacts with the ground and a different context( much like the first experiment where I cut all the wires off).

Both approaches seem appropriate, for one the project/ concept is "the box" so leaving it inside makes sense. However, the idea of cutting it out is intriguing___making this box more of a machine that just produces these spaces and "spits" them out.

Since I have two boxes__ I'll  try both: Leave the horizontal in the box and cut the vertical design.


So I decided to work with the plan and the section at the same time, placing both the original plans and sections and collaged versions on the sides of the boxes.

To decide where the wires were going to pierce the box I came up with a system of coordinates. I placed 15 points on all the original drawings so that even the collaged images had the same points. By numbering all the points I simply matched the numbers from the original plan to the number on the collage plan and the same for the section.

So the test tube looks like this___

I made two boxes: One to be built vertical (sectionally) the other to be built horizontally (plan)

I wanted to see how the orientation was going to affect the design.

I was finally ready to start the design process: placing planes inside the box within the boundaries of the established structure (wires).

This is the outcome____

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


My first move was to look back on the previous obstructions and the methods/laws that were provided for us. It was important to first establish my own restrictions, so I took elements from the previous obstructions that I wanted to explore more. My rules/ laws are these:

  1. Work from Original Plan and Sections 
  2. Work in model
    • Specifically Wire 
  3. Design in additive manner 
    • Explored subtracting in previous obstructions.

After determining these guidelines created two schemes.

Scheme 1___Train of thought:

Start with the plan and collage it to create a topography. Use the new created topo and introduce wire elements into the lines of the plan.
I added trace to certain parts of the wire to start to delineate space.

Scheme 2___ Train of Thought:

Created a box where I collaged the plan to the top of the box and pierced the wire through certain points of the plan.  The suspended wire created lines to which I started to add planes (chip board). The result is something that reads completely differently if inside the "box" or outside.

I like the idea of having this "test tube" that on the outside has an order ( the plan) but on the inside something completely new and unique happens that in some way has some of the properties of the original drawing.


[final obstruction]

On Architectural Autonomy 

"It is only in that instant when the laws are silent that great actions erupt."
-Marquis de Sade

This obstruction is simply what the quote suggest; no rules, no guidelines it's all up to our interpretation______

Sunday, November 18, 2012


I made the site for the final model out of plaster, carving where the structure would go. Making the site separate allows for the model to  be taken apart. 

Some pictures of the mold and the complete final model________

The rest of the presentation was an exploded axon showing an elevation, plan, section and cross sections:

I also edited the original perspective drawings so that they would read a little better.