Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Moving on from drawing the perspectives, I  started to create a plan..

The first attempt at a plan and sections: 


I drew the plan at a bigger scale in order to better understand the spaces and not oversize them like I did in some of the original perspectives. 
I used this plan as a module and repeated it a number of times to create a linear structure with characteristics from both the original perspectives. 

The plan started to become too long so I started to modify some of the modules and really began to explore the spaces within this new linear structure. 

 Also began to explore how I wanted the building to interact with the ground, trying different ground lines and how each one made the building read differently. 

The plan above lacked quality spaces and was at times more circulation than actual inhabitable spaces. I resolved this by not necessarily straying away from the module but refining it. 

Since some of the exterior spaces started to be just circulation and this is a narrow structure, in my new plans I experiment with exterior circulation. Also introduced "vertical" walls that break up the horizontality of the plan and create implied spaces on the exterior.

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