Friday, October 26, 2012


This is the Piranesi Drawing I chose and my attempt at a collage of the folly within the new site. 


Enclosed the top level of the plan with a "canopy" that is supported by some of the curved planes within in. 
Also, thinking about lighting I made circular openings in the canopy that followed the geometries from the walls below. I'm thinking trees would go through the openings. 

Also placed it on the site based on the Piranesi perspective. Folly begins to move inside the Colosseum above and below ground while the Arch just sits within the canopy. 


Some of Van Eyck's studies for the Sonsbeek Pavilion.

Used some of the same ideas Van Eyck was playing with to help me finalize my plan and create a sense of enclosure . Although he was dealing with parallel planes and my project isn't, the idea of having almost an infinite amount of entry points and having a different experience each time is something I wanted to carry through to my project. 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


I left off with keeping the elements on the right of the plan...

and first continued by deciding this would become more of a folly within the city-scape.  then decreasing the scale of the collage so that it would be easier to work with. I decided to add new lines (curves) that were more fluid and had some of the same characteristics of the curves that were already in place. 

I went back to the method I was using in Scheme 2 where I had certain axis that helped organize the plan. I used the orientation of the orthogonal lines in the plan as the axis and created a grid. I tried to use the lines in the grid almost as tangents of the curves and also for the orientation of the major masses/ levels. 

From the grid I started to collage again and this is how the plan looks now:

Defined the 3 major elements/ layers of the plan and started to think how walls/ planes would be introduced inside of them. 

Used the axis lines to create a "paving" pattern for the separate levels. 

.......Need to continue thinking about ways of enclosure and adding more "walls/planes" within the interior



Our new task is to collage the new plans and elevations into an existing representational context: this context being an urban/architectural space of Piranesi.

These are some of the Piranesi Drawings I'm thinking about using:


Certain things worked and didn't work from the last collage:

  • The relationships created with the bigger/ smother curves were more successful than the smaller "organ" looking forms.
  • Sections where the orthogonal lines met with the curved lines worked and started to create a balance between the two.
  • The new plan lacked an organizing element that made everything come together as one. 
  • Scale was too big to work with needed to shrink back down a little.

I basically decided to keep some of the forms and moves from the right side of the plan and did away with the other longer "organ-like" forms. 

From whats left I'll develop a new plan and start to think about the next phase which is a site and what this new plan is becoming, no longer a house but a bigger scale folly-like mass......


I chose to continue to explore Scheme 3, that dealt with the curved forms. From the first feed back received, I needed to make bigger gestures and use bigger scale drawings to construct the collage. Also had to find some sort of internal logic that allowed the curved forms to become more cohesive. 

This is how the next version turned out: 


These are the first 3 schemes I came up with, each trying to approach the problem in a different way:

Scheme 1:
        Started trying to cut out certain walls to start to delineate space, but then tried making bigger moves by combining bigger pieces of the program together.  

Scheme 2:

This was technically more like 1/2 a scheme, where I took a certain piece of the plan and generated a series of axis. My intention was to start to use these axis to place/ collage other pieces of the plan within these new constraints but that never really materialized so I moved the last scheme.

Scheme 3: 

In the last scheme I looked beyond the actual lines of the plan (meaning the walls, furniture, etc.) and used the "other" lines or detail lines within the plan. My plans have a lot of very interesting curved lines that are part of a ceiling/ electrical plan. I used these lines to delineate new spaces using some of the orthogonal lines( walls) as boundaries. 



Insertions Into Ideological Circuits

"these objects are only relics. the work itself has no materiality. and it is ephemeral. it only exists when someone is interacting with it."
– cildo meireles

The next obstruction deals with making a new design from the already existing plan drawings through the use of collage, weaving, etc. The interpretation of the lines on the drawings is totally up to us and the scale and orientation also become part of the "desing".

These are the original drawings I'll be using to develop the new plans.

Sunday, October 14, 2012


Some pictures of the final work and presentation____

Section wire drawing_ Scale 1/4" =1'
Alex's model made really interesting shadows on the wall. 



This is how the final plaster came out and some process pictures..
                 I experimented with using different materials on the mold so that the different textures on the plaster would define certain parts of the drawing. I mainly used the thick blue foam but also chip board and white foam core.

Monday, October 8, 2012



Axon showing outdoor deck and the children's rooms. First step to making some plaster study models, more to come on the progress of this.....


Moved up to a bigger scale(1/8"-1/4") to resolve circulation and program elements that started to get defined in the smaller model.

The site and positioning were also unresolved and moving up scale helped visualize how the building and site were actually going to interact.

Some experimentation with the facades and how light is let in, staying true to the 5 restrictions in this case obstructed views.


 Made sectional model to help understand important relationships within the building. Also started to think about perspective/ axon views to possible practice molding.

 Study of top floor which includes: Master Bed, Living Room, Outdoor deck/ terrace.

Separated "open" living room plan with a half wall ( extension of plane from below) and added skylight above living room space.